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How to Win More in Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

How to Win More in Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout

If you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber you can get your hands on Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, which is available for free on PlayStation Plus throughout August. As well as being the new PlayStation Plus game, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has taken the Internet by storm thanks to its entertaining party gameplay and ingenious marketing.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout takes inspiration from TV shows like Total Wipeout, Takeshi’s Castle, and Ninja Warrior. Fall Guys takes these inspirations and combines them into a massively multiplayer party game with up to 60 players online in a free-for-all struggle through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains.

It’s easy to be fooled by the cute characters and aesthetics in Fall Guys but this game is anything but easy. In Battle Royale fashion, you are pitted against up to 60 players all vying to be the last one standing so competition is tough. In light of that, I want to share some tips and tricks that have helped me on my way to getting that coveted crown.

Dive, Dive, Dive.

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of a well-timed dive. When it comes to getting past obstacles or traversing out-of-reach platforms, a well-executed dive can prevent you from plummeting to elimination. Moreover, diving can save you a few precious milliseconds that can be the difference between qualification and elimination.

Diving can also be a useful manoeuvre in dodging incoming projectiles, scaling platforms, and even sabotaging other Fall Guys. The dive is quite powerful in its force meaning it can often knock-back other Fall Guys that get too close. Overall, I cannot stress enough to ensure you are making the most of the diving mechanic to give you the slight edge it can provide.

Stick to the sides

On many courses in Fall Guys you often see a mad rush down the middle. Whilst sometimes this is the ever-so-slightly quicker path, it’s also riskier. You see, projectiles often fall down the middle of a course and this is also the most congested area. In Fall Guys, you always want to do your best to avoid congestion.

The more congested areas of the map will almost always cost you precious seconds as a surge of Fall Guys all try to squeeze through the same area. Further, the likelihood you get accidentally pushed to your death in these areas rises exponentially so wherever possible, stick to the sides.

Let others do the failing for you

It’s easy to get caught up in the manic rush right as the countdown permits. However, sometimes it is prudent to take a step back and let others do the failing first. Some courses require you to avoid collapsing tiles or others to avoid fake doors. The trick is to not waste precious seconds barrelling into these faux obstacles but instead letting others doing the dirty work then following the correct path.

This is almost counter-intuitive as your brain tells you to join the manic rush or get left behind. You must go into these early stages with the mindset not of winning early-on but of qualifying. When you take a more prudent approach, you mitigate your risk of being eliminated early on. After all, it’s only the final round you are required to be first in order to win.

Pile on the misery of the losing team

In Fall Guys, team-based levels can often induce dread as your qualification will ultimately come down to your team-mates ability to work together. The trick here is again to not have the mindset of coming first but ensuring you do not come last.

Too often I see teams split their efforts and target both other teams whereas just focusing on the one that’s losing would yield a far greater chance of your own team qualifying. Here, it’s all about piling on the misery of the losing team and disregarding which team is coming first by focusing solely on ensuring you don’t come last.

Don’t forget to have fun

In the shows I’ve won thus far in Fall Guys, I am self-aware enough to know a lot of it comes down to dumb luck. Don’t try too hard as a lot of what happens throughout the course of a show is out of your control. The Law of Averages suggests you’ll get that win eventually so party up with some friends and remember to have fun. I hope my tips and tricks help that crown grace your Fall Guys’ head soon enough. If you’ve found your own tips and tricks to help other Fall Guys on their way to victory be sure to leave a comment below.

Charles Oakley

Charles Oakley

Staff Writer

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