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Videogame Characters With Most Results in Pornhub

Videogame Characters With Most Results in Pornhub

With Pornhub insights released recently, I am sure a lot of us went to do research about the most searched videogame characters and what the hype is all about. Well, I'm here to give you a bit more information.

It's no fun when you search for a video and find only a handful of results. So I went digging to look for which characters were searched for the most, alongside how many results each of them gives. 

For the purpose of the article, I used the most commonly used name for each of the characters, and if a suspiciously low number of results appeared, I tried a different result. Likewise, the opposite is true, and if something gave too many results that were clearly unrelated, I added the videogame name. 

Additionally, I made a different article checking how many results some of the most famous videogame franchises had. Since these two are related, I will be mentioning that one several times, and I would heavily recommend reading that one first. That being said, without further ado, let's get on with the list, beginning from least to most:

#5 - "Tifa Lockhart"

Tifa ffvii field

Ah yes, that does inspire horniness in me.

Leading up the rear we have Tifa Lockhart. This is already not a very surprising result, given that in our article depicting the most results for each franchise, Final Fantasy appears thanks to tons of videos depicting Tifa Lockhart and Aerith Gainsborough.

Tifa Lockhart succeeded in amassing 370 different results. With very few videos present relating to cosplay, most of her videos are hentai animations and a few compilations. Tifa's results amassed to roughly 30.96% of Final Fantasy's totals. 

#4 - "Zelda"


She even has the seductive pose.

I was shocked too. Zelda's appearance is quite surprising, not only because she passed Tifa Lockhart in terms of results, but also because The Legend of Zelda didn't even make the other list due to its shockingly low number of results (190).

That being said, I fact-checked that Zelda was indeed making it to the top due to the Princess of Hyrule, so I scoured throughout the first couple of pages on Pornhub like a very picky masturbator, and found that there were very few cases in which Zelda didn't appear, so these few videos would make a negligible difference in the total results.

Zelda is thus far the most cosplayed character to appear in both lists. Her videos are split between some hentai videos and lots of blonde women with long ears. There was also one video too many that show Link when the main title is talking about Zelda.

Her total number (subtracting the one video in which it was Link because of spite) is 451.

#3 - 2B


Damn, no sarcastic comment for this one, she cute.

From a character I didn't expect to appear in the list, to the one I expected to be very high up, 2B from NieR: Automata makes it unsurprisingly high, however, seeing as the game didn't make the other list with 568 results in comparison to Minecraft's 984, it's interesting to see 2B make it.

Remember how I mentioned that Zelda was the leader in cosplay videos thus far? 2B takes the largest amount of cosplay videos by far, with almost all of her videos being a form of cosplay and very few of them being animations.

Given that 2B gets a total of 587 results, that is a surprisingly high amount of people that are willing to cosplay her in Pornhub.

#2 - "Mercy Overwatch"


"I'm no angel!" - Mercy when horny.

Ah, Overwatch. Whenever I think of Rule 34, Overwatch springs to mind immediately. If not because Blizzard tried to fight it, then because of the sheer amount of adultainment that surrounds it. So it is no surprise that second place is taken by Overwatch's Mercy.

Now, when I first searched Mercy on Pornhub I received a lot of results surrounding very aggressive sex videos incorporating the term "No Mercy". So, as per the rules, I searched "Mercy Overwatch" and lo and behold, a lot of videos appeared.

Mercy's videos are predominantly hentai videos depicting her on different skins and several compilations with no cosplay videos present. She received a total of 660 results.

#1 - "Dva"


Do the results include the mech?... If so, I'm in.

Surprised? I'm not. What does surprise me, however, is the shockingly low amount of people that are spelling D.Va correctly, but I digress.

D.Va (or Dva apparently) takes the crown by a landslide. If Pornhub's search engine hadn't recommended to me the full stop-less version of her name, I would have been giving this crown to Mercy. However, after searching for the term Dva, it was obvious that she was the winner.

D.Va videos are quite evenly split between cosplay and hentai videos. With 1114 results, D.Va has enough results to not only almost triple Tifa Lockhart's result, but take on the entirety of Minecraft's results from the other article by herself. In fact, she alone makes up for 36.6% of Overwatch's entire result with hers. That is quite the feat for a game that has 32 playable characters.

Interested to hear if she can take on any other games on her own? Well, don't forget to check out the other article regarding results! Did I miss a character you particularly find attractive? Feel free to tell me in the comments below, and I'll gladly create a second part of this listicle.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

Writes in her sleep, can you tell?

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