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Gamers Raise Over £700,000 With Charity Livestream

Gamers Raise Over £700,000 With Charity Livestream

Throughout the whole of December talent from the Yogscast channels appeared on Twitch.tv under the title of "Yogscast Dwarven Dairy Drive" playing games, taking on challenges and having fun. Alongside their antics they took appeals for charity.

Fans who donated over $25 got an amazing bundle of games and in-game items worth $350, including Napoleon: Total War, Garry’s Mod, Sonic All-Star Racing, Awsomenauts and The Chaos Engine. Those who gave more than $5 got a 'Heart of Gold' accessory item from popular title Team Fortress 2.

The final total raised was $1,156,799.80 – just over £700,000. The record haul smashed last year’s £240,568.25 and will be shared between five charities: Oxfam, War Child, GamesAid, Special Effect and Little People UK.

Yogscast chief executive Mark Turpin said

We were aiming to reach £300,000 so to get to £700,000 is an incredible achievement and shows how generous gamers in general and Yognau(gh)ts in particular are.


We’ve had amazing support from the UK and international video games industry supplying the games and items – there is no way we could have raised the money we did without their fantastic support.


We also have to thank the Yogscast family who gave up their nights every day, except Christmas Day, in December to broadcast live and raise money.

The Yogscast started as a boss guide for World of Warcraft. It became a #1 ranked podcast and then, in 2010, a YouTube channel. The Yogscast family now contains 18 channels and has more than 17.5m subscribers.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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