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Palia Releases Much-requested Maji Market Update After Community Feedback

Palia Releases Much-requested Maji Market Update After Community Feedback

Palia recently released its first-ever event — the Maji Market. With it, came the first minigame added to the game in the form of Chapaa Chase, where players have to chase the furry creatures and return them to the pen, earning 10 Chapaa Tickets for each one they return. With various rewards and new Accomplishments to get, this highly anticipated update did not come without a fair share of complaints.


Over on Palia's official Discord server, the community brought up concerns about the state of the Maji Market, mentioning its camping nature and going as far as calling the minigame "cutthroat", as the Chapaa Chase saw Palians fight over who could click F the fastest in order to pick up the spawning Chapaa across six different spawn points.

After various days of complaints, on the 1st of September — only a few days after the release of the game — it was announced in the Discord server that the Maji Market would get a rehaul sometime before the event ended, with the developers mentioning Chapaa Chase directly and thanking the players for their dedication to Palia's development journey.

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Now, on the 7th of September (and nearly two weeks before the event ends), the Chapaa Chase event has received a large overhaul in the release of HOTFIX 0.167.2, seeing the following changes being made to the Maji Market's notorious minigame:

  • More Chapaas spawn at the beginning of the minigame, meaning more players can get their first point with ease.
  • 50% more Chapaas spawn per wave with a 20% increase in wave frequency, meaning there is a little over double the amount of Chapaas spawning over the five-minute minigame time.
  • More spawn zones have been added, with greater spawn zone areas to prevent camper mentality.
  • Every player gets one additional Chapaa Chase ticket for each Chapaa caught in the server so long as they got at least one Chapaa over the five-minute course.

With these much-requested features, the Chapaa Chase ticket farm should be easier for every player who was struggling to get their share of tickets, with the opportunity to earn over 200 Chapaa Chase tickets per hour. The Maji Market grind will be significantly lessened, as this update can more than double (up to quadruple) the amount of Chapaa Chase tickets you can get per event rotation. If you want to learn more about the Maji Market event, make sure you check out our news piece talking about that right here! And if you want to read our writer's preview, check that out right here, too!

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.

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