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TAPE: Unveil the Memories Teaser Trailer

BlackChiliGoat Studio has announced that its first-person psychological thriller, TAPE: Unveil the Memories, will release on Steam and PlayStation.

Taking control of Iria, your adventures are set in northern Spain during the 1990s. Thanks to an old Super8 camera, you're able to manipulate time and solve puzzles in order to unravel the events surrounding your father's disappearance.


Rewind, fast-forward or pause objects to explore Iria's past. Experience a psychological thriller from first-person set in a dark, story-driven adventure. Piece together memories and discover the reason behind Iria's dad, an acclaimed horror movie director, vanishing mysteriously.

TAPE: Unveil the Memories will hit Steam and PlayStation on 14th April 2022.

Neil 'Wedge' Hetherington

Neil 'Wedge' Hetherington

Staff Writer

A purveyor of strange alcoholic mixes and a penchant for blowing shit up in games. Proud member of the glorious PC master race.