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Risen Review

RPG’s are somewhat neglected on the Xbox 360 in my eyes. The console is dominated by FPS and action games so when I heard that Risen was hitting the Xbox, I got pretty excited. It’s fair to say that RPG’s are my genre. A good story and engaging game play will grab me hook, line and sinker.


Risen promises open ended game play, with the ability to do as you please, choose your cause and what you want to fight for. I looked forward to playing a deep, involving and innovative game but I was disappointed.

Risen brings you the story of the protagonist, who has no name. He is a stowaway on a ship transporting the antagonist, known only as the Inquisitor. Unfortunately on this journey, the boat is attacked and you end up ship wrecked on an island called Faranga. Ancient temples have risen around the island and it’s your job to join a faction to investigate.

birdie                             woodland                          logo

As you look around you for the first time you realise there are no survivors besides you and one other. Your first mission is to grab a weapon and defend the young lady survivor, you scout around and find a stick to beat things with and you set off with your damsel in distress Sara to find an appropriate place of safety.

Once this is done she asks you to look about and see what else is around the island. This is the last I saw of Sara.

As I was wandering around, I wandered into somewhere I shouldn’t have been, got my ass thoroughly kicked by a soldier and woke up having been signed up to one the two opposing forces on Faranga island, the Warriors of the order. A faction comprising of mage knights whose primary weapons are staves.

This is the moment warning bells started ringing for me, the stone walls and castle design of this camp really highlights how flawed the graphics are, from flickering white dots in the environment, to some of the worst lag I have encountered in a console game.

It looks like a PS2 game, I played Final Fantasy X on the PS2 recently and believe that this actually looks better. Facial animation and character design is so bad, even funny. I was presented with three Chuck Norris look-alikes stood together which made me giggle to myself. Everything looks so dark and dank, when night falls or you go into a cave it’s all so dark, you can’t see anything at all.
This really surprised me because the standard of the opening cinematic’s were incredible, the screen shots of the game look beautiful too. I guess the camera really does lie after all.

not a true representation

On the subject of cameras, the moment camera is awful. It’s clunky and gets in your way constantly, that and jerky character movements makes it feels like this game has been ported over from a last generation console.

Moving on from the graphics, The game play is described as open ended and full of choice, the game so far to me is pretty linear, it tries to act as though its endlessly open ended and free but in reality its not. From the get go, you were always going to make you choose who to pledge allegiance too.
Once you’re in, you’re stuck. After joining the Warriors of the order, I have not been able to leave the camp and if I want to, I have no choice but to follow exactly what they want me to do i.e. – basic training and all of their quests. A true open ended game would let me sample their ways and let me walk away if it’s not for me.
Once in this camp you are to complete basic training, which comprises of beating the same person over and over. Oh no my mistake they are in fact different members of the order they just all look exactly the same.

house                       forest                 harbour                 

Battles are really uninspiring with a simple 3rd person view, pick up a stick and mash the A button until their dead, a system that just feels terribly dated. Especially when you think of the many epic battle systems in the RPG world they could have used. Lost Odyssey had one of the best battle systems I have seen in recent times, with complex systems like this, why are mash the A button battle systems still around?

Another thing I noticed about the game play is that, from the beginning you are left to figure out the bewildering menu system for yourself.
Each button on the D Pad leads to a different menu. The right button leads to a menu showing you what items you have equipped, but can you change your equipment from there? No you cannot. To do this you need to open up another menu on the Up button, locate which item you want to equip an amongst hundreds of other items you have acquired and then go back to the first menu to see what effect this change of equipment has had on you.

The menu system is poorly executed and complicated, to have all this without a single hint of how you use it leads to a lot of frustration.


Another part of the game which is completely infuriating is the levelling system. You have to fight hundreds of battles to gain levels. The even more annoying thing about this levelling system is once you level, you aren’t given any statistic boosts at all, you are handed some measly learner points.

You use these learner points with various NPC’s to buy yourself some new stats, this is all well and good and it does give you some control over what stats you choose to level but as well as spending Learner Points, you also have to spend gold on upping your stats. What’s a couple of gold pieces here and there eh? Well let me put some perspective on it.
You have to pay 100 gold pieces for a stat boost of +1 strength, which means you have to rob literally everything in sight to afford it. The contents of someone’s treasure chest will typically only bring you 10 gold if you’re lucky so that’s a lot of pillaging.


Despite these issues I managed to pull myself through the basic training, and had one NPC left to talk to before I graduated. I thought I would also complete some of the quests in the camp, as I may not get another chance to do so. One of which was the story of a murdered gentleman. It was my job to find out who had done it, to do this I was told I would have to check every room for clues so this is exactly what I did when all of a sudden, one of the leaders of the camp came running into a room yelling thief and gave me yet another ass kicking.

I awoke and thought right sod it, I don’t want to do the quest any more ill just talk to matey and be on my way, and by this point I had more than a gutful of this place. I went to speak to him and he wouldn’t talk to me because I'm a thief (apparently).
This is where my game ended. I restarted my game thinking that the NPC may forget about the whole sorry incident and let me pass the training.

I was mistaken. I tried speaking to everyone and realised that I was stuck so I had to restart the game. This is appalling; bugs like this should have been completely ironed out by now.

I am currently in my 2nd play through and am really not enjoying the game, it all feels very unfinished. The graphics are terrible, and the world designs are boring. It looks like the developer team were trying to play it safe with locations, grey and simple brickwork castles to grey and simple brickwork houses. The most colourful parts of the game being the fields you have to traverse to get to your next grey and dank location. It feels like Risen has stolen parts of other successful RPG games such as Lionhead studios Fable 2 open ended fight for good or bad system, and Bethesda’s Oblivion’s well everything, just done badly.

chuck norris

I really am struggling to say anything good about this game. I think my only praise would be the voice acting, this seems to be very genuine and believable, it’s a shame it wasn’t used in a better game.

In conclusion, I can see where the development team were trying to go with this game but boy did they miss the mark.
The story, whilst being somewhat clichéd has potential and if a little more time was taken over the rest of the game i.e. graphics and menu systems, this game could have been a very good one.
Sadly we have ended up with a half finished looking game that is pretty unbearable to play, a poor effort.

4.00/10 4

Risen (Reviewed on Xbox 360)

Minor enjoyable interactions, but on the whole is underwhelming.

RPG’s are somewhat neglected on the Xbox 360 in my eyes. The console is dominated by FPS and action games so when I heard that Risen was hitting the Xbox, I got pretty excited. It’s fair to say that RPG’s are my genre. A good story and engaging game play will grab me hook, line and sinker.

This game was supplied by the publisher or relevant PR company for the purposes of review
Sarah Nicole Collings

Sarah Nicole Collings


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Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

bit of a harsh review but it wasnt very good at all. Enjoy none the less :D

Bourneassasin-1428101127 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Well you say it's bad, it's not it's a great game and when you say... Ps2 graphics it is probably just down to your tv being **** and the fact that you didn't like the gameplay is likely down to the fact that your shocking at xbox, you call yourself a rpg fan...you wouldn't know one if it did you up the butt so mate in future leave reviews to the exsperts cos you quite obviously have no idea how to do it. It really gets on my nerves when idiots like you call yourself core gamers...........no offence=]

bl99-1428101127 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

while the reviewer has all right in the world to hate the game, there are some mistakes in the article. The battle-system isn't buttonmashing, if you do that you will die. Instead you should block, circle around the enemy, dash, and use combos. It's a great system, that rewards skill, instead of just buttonmashing. The world is very openended, but unfortunately, she didn't play long enough to find this out. And the game doesn't steal from Bethesda and Fable. Risen is based on Piranha Bytes previous games, Gothic 1-3. Gothic 1 was released around 2001 or so, if I remember correctly. And it's very similar to that one, almost like a remake.

ExcessNeo - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

It really gets on my nerves when idiots like you call yourself core gamers...........no offence=]

Pardon my ignorance but at what point did Angelfromabove claim this?

icaruschips - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Well you say it's bad, it's not it's a great game and when you say... Ps2 graphics it is probably just down to your tv being ****

No, it looks like ass. That is obvious to anyone who has eyes.

the fact that you didn't like the gameplay is likely down to the fact that your shocking at xbox

I don't like the gameplay in Halo. Does that mean I too am shocking at Xbox?

so mate in future leave reviews to the exsperts cos you quite obviously have no idea how to do it.

You mean professionals at spelling, such as yourself?

It really gets on my nerves when idiots like you call yourself core gamers...........no offence=]

It really gets on my nerves when people act like a total ass. No offence =] Having played the Xbox version myself, I agree it's totally sub-par, but I think it may get better with more hours put into it, much like the Gothic series. Apparently the Xbox port is terrible compared to the PC version. That looks pretty bad too though.

FoxyStoat - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Well you say it's bad, it's not it's a great game and when you say... Ps2 graphics it is probably just down to your tv being **** and the fact that you didn't like the gameplay is likely down to the fact that your shocking at xbox, you call yourself a rpg fan...you wouldn't know one if it did you up the butt so mate in future leave reviews to the exsperts cos you quite obviously have no idea how to do it. It really gets on my nerves when idiots like you call yourself core gamers...........no offence=]

You need to change your username, it seems, like your post it has a spelling mistake in it... try taking out the 'asin' so it reads Bourneass, suits you more. There was no point in the review that Angel claimed to be the expert you suggest. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, it's a review on the internet just like there will be 500 other reviews - perhaps go and post your opinion on those too :) Mate..in the future, leave constructive posts to the experts, 'cos let's face it..you don't have a clue........ no offence =]

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

PC Zone gave this an abnormally high score, so high in fact the PR professional was genuinely surprised.

Wedgeh - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Yeh but PC zone dont review Xbox games :)

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Yeh but PC zone dont review Xbox games :)

Fine, the PC version then.

Rasher - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

i think what hes getting at snoozer, if you check around the PC version of this has had a much higher score (in the 8s-9s/10) while the Xbox one is between the 4s-6s/10. Hence you saying that PC zone gave it a high score wasn't relevant due to the fact it wasn't the PC version.

oBladeo-1428100870 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

i have a cold and i'm hungover to didn't read the review just one question Is it like fable?

chug666-1428101127 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Good review, dreadful game- I had the misfortune to play it recently and am only just getting over it...

Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Whoa!!! I said to wedge actually that i would get random hardcore fans attacking me for this. The game is ****, im sorry but it really is. I apologise if i have ruined your life with this review. /sarcasm

Well you say it's bad, it's not it's a great game and when you say... Ps2 graphics it is probably just down to your tv being **** and the fact that you didn't like the gameplay is likely down to the fact that your shocking at xbox, you call yourself a rpg fan...you wouldn't know one if it did you up the butt so mate in future leave reviews to the exsperts cos you quite obviously have no idea how to do it. It really gets on my nerves when idiots like you call yourself core gamers...........no offence=]

1) My tv is a very good one actually it manages to play all other xbox games and look fantastic, but the ass graphics are clearly LG's fault instead of the dev team right? 2) Yes, im clearly shocking at xbox because i didnt like 1 game...that makes perfect sense...idiot. 3) I think i would know if someone did me up the butt with an xbox, and so because i dont like 1 game i have no idea of how to review?? Yeah i will admit im not the worlds best reviewer but take a look at my others, i dont see any negative feedback on those. 4) And at what point did i call myself a hardcore gamer?! You know what annoys me? Illiterate *****s who are so closed minded they cant take another persons opinion.... no offence :]

while the reviewer has all right in the world to hate the game, there are some mistakes in the article. The battle-system isn't buttonmashing, if you do that you will die. Instead you should block, circle around the enemy, dash, and use combos. It's a great system, that rewards skill, instead of just buttonmashing. The world is very openended, but unfortunately, she didn't play long enough to find this out. And the game doesn't steal from Bethesda and Fable. Risen is based on Piranha Bytes previous games, Gothic 1-3. Gothic 1 was released around 2001 or so, if I remember correctly. And it's very similar to that one, almost like a remake.

1) i can only go by my particular experiance of the game and at no point was i told to block or parry or use combos 2) You may have a point that i didnt play enough to experience the true open endedness of the game but if you take a closer look at the review i explain why. I was hit with an appaling bug that meant i had to restart my game. I am playing through again now and still fail to see the openendedness (im not entirely sure thats a word.. :S) 3) Having not played the original Gothic series i cannot really comment on that, i have however played both games i have mentioned and have seen a lot of simelaritys. Thanks to all who saw this before me and corrected some of their points. If your going to insult my work then please make sure you have the correct facts and then come see me, i love a good debate. Oh and oBladeo, no its nothing like Fable 2. That was actually good, this just pikeys its systems.

badgers-1428101127 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

3) Having not played the original Gothic series i cannot really comment on that, i have however played both games i have mentioned and have seen a lot of simelaritys.

Fair enough, you may not have played Gothic, but if you don't have the knowledge required to make a comment like that then you either need to ask someone who has played Gothic, do some research or just don't mention it. If you do have to mention it then you can word it in a way that doesn't expose your ignorance. Otherwise you just look a bit silly. And, having been informed of your mistake, you should go back and correct the review. Admitting and rectifying mistakes is the grown-up thing to do.

please make sure you have the correct facts and then come see me

You may want to follow that advice yourself.

Oh and oBladeo, no its nothing like Fable 2. That was actually good, this just pikeys its systems.

How does it 'pikeys its systems'? You were just told that Risen is all but a sequel to the Gothic series and shares its mechanics with those games, and they pre-date Fable. So it would be the other way round.

You know what annoys me? Illiterate *****s who are so closed minded they cant take another persons opinion.... no offence :]

You know what annoys me? Illiterate people who accuse others of being illiterate. :)

Si^ - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Fair enough, you may not have played Gothic, but if you don't have the knowledge required to make a comment like that then you either need to ask someone who has played Gothic, do some research or just don't mention it. If you do have to mention it then you can word it in a way that doesn't expose your ignorance. Otherwise you just look a bit silly.

This makes no sense she has review the game on the game itself not any games that have come before it. why would she need to play gothic to appreicate this game? its not gothic 2 is it? Again she has used her experience as a gamer and what she has felt seen and thought while playing this game.

And, having been informed of your mistake, you should go back and correct the review. Admitting and rectifying mistakes is the grown-up thing to do.

What mistake? if i said that "xyx rts game" ripped off the controls of halo wars i doubt i would have 50 red alert fan boys claiming that infact the control system was from red alert? everything gets copied in gaming thats a proven fact she is merly comparing it to games she has played.

You may want to follow that advice yourself.

She has used the facts avaiable to her and given a opinion if you cannot handle this opinion please by all means go and speak to someone who cares am sure there is in a website called [url]www.risenisthebestgameintheworld.co.uk[/url] were you can sit and speak how awsome the game is rather than remember that not everyone will think so and getting on with your life

How does it 'pikeys its systems'? You were just told that Risen is all but a sequel to the Gothic series and shares its mechanics with those games, and they pre-date Fable. So it would be the other way round.

So everything is still using the same systems that Gothic was using... and there was no other RPG games before risen using these systems. TBH everyone copys from everyone in the gaming industry so everyone will eventually use the same system for RPG or RTS or even FPS. again angel was using her experince from the games she has played.

You know what annoys me? Illiterate people who accuse others of being illiterate. :)

as fair as i can see she isnt illiterate as is a good writer, its a good review with many soild points, which you have yet to display correct or even back up with out saying omg havent you played gothic??? try getting some evidence and back up to prove your points rather than being a dick? you can mock the spelling or grammer on this i dont care this is my opinon on what ive seen posted here. You guys need to think about this differently imho if you really think this is the worst review of the game out there you should have a google look around cause am sure people have said far worse? maybe you should go and annoy them with your petty fan boy insults and omg dont you know gothic comments which waste everyones time. next time go cry to PC Zone or OXM am sure you could win the star letter and win a game then again you may get your feelings hurt.

badgers-1428101127 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

This makes no sense she has review the game on the game itself not any games that have come before it. why would she need to play gothic to appreicate this game? its not gothic 2 is it? Again she has used her experience as a gamer and what she has felt seen and thought while playing this game.

Where exactly did I say she had to play Gothic to appreciate Risen? Is that what I wrote at all, or did you in fact just make that up? The point is that you should not criticise a game for ripping off other titles when in fact it did not. And if you're not certain about something like that don't include it. It makes for a pisspoor review any way, because rather than judging a game on its own merits you're making weak accusations of plagarism. "It feels like Risen has stolen parts of other successful RPG games such as Lionhead studios Fable 2 open ended fight for good or bad system, and Bethesda’s Oblivion’s well everything, just done badly." This is a silly thing to write when your knowledge of the genre is lacking. It would be silly even if Gothic didn't exist, the 'open ended fight for good or bad system' (erm...okay) is something that's common to RPGs, and 'Oblivion's well everything' is so incredibly vague it's impossible to tell exactly what she was trying to say.

So everything is still using the same systems that Gothic was using... and there was no other RPG games before risen using these systems.

Again, you're making things up. I did not say this. She - after being informed of her error - said that Risen was a rip-off of Fable 2, which it blatantly isn't. Nothing to do with any other games. I certainly wouldn't hold up Oblivion and Fable as being examples of original fantasy RPGs.

as fair as i can see she isnt illiterate as is a good writer, its a good review with many soild points, which you have yet to display correct or even back up with out saying omg havent you played gothic??? try getting some evidence and back up to prove your points rather than being a dick?

I disagree, she's a fairly poor writer, but then this is only a small web site. And we have gone over the main point of contention several times. Here it is again though: claiming that Risen ripped off Fable and Oblivion is incorrect. I understand that she wasn't aware of Gothic, but it is still incorrect. I'm uncertain as to what evidence you require, your honour? I shall instruct my lawyer to send over a full dossier explaining the case. But keep up the white knighting! If you say enough nice things maybe a girl off the internet will have sex with you. Oh and this...

one of the leaders of the camp came running into a room yelling thief and gave me yet another ass kicking.

...was probably her own fault. She must have picked something up and been spotted by an NPC. Unless it's a bug that only she has encountered and which nobody else has reported, which seems somewhat unlikely.

Wedgeh - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

So badgers, you're essentially telling us to go back and change the score of this game on your say so? Are you some sort of undercover PR for this game trying to influence us to change our views? Or are you just bitter because a game you like was slated which initiated a bout of nerd rage? But hey, we're only a small website thats been trading for over 10 years... What are we to know about games!

icaruschips - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

The point is that you should not criticise a game for ripping off other titles when in fact it did not.

She commented that she felt the combat was similar to Fable 2, and everything else was basically ripped out of Oblivion - while this may not be true, is it really something that pisses you off so hard you feel the need to insult peoples writing ability? Not everyone is professional reviewers, you may want to remember that - some people here are reviewing games as a way to help the site, some for fun, and some to potentially boost a career. Then again, if you're so knowledgable about the way reviews work, maybe you could show us some of your work? I'm sure it'd make for a totally thrilling read.

She - after being informed of her error - said that Risen was a rip-off of Fable 2, which it blatantly isn't. (..) I disagree, she's a fairly poor writer, but then this is only a small web site.

Again, going back to insulting people. Again, the combat reminded her of something else, again I'll ask, does it offend you so much? If so, you should really, and I mean really rethink your priorities in life, mate.

But keep up the white knighting! If you say enough nice things maybe a girl off the internet will have sex with you.

Will you have sex with me? You seem special.

Si^ - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

But keep up the white knighting! If you say enough nice things maybe a girl off the internet will have sex with you.

Comments like this so how little and pathetic you really are.. you dont know me but i am married and quiet happly so. attacking someone when they are trying to debate with you just shows you dont have a case to back up your crap. +1 on wedgehs comments I will do a bigger quote back when am at home currently at work on lunch break and dont want to waste it all on you...

badgers-1428101127 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Yes, change it now. I command you. Feel the wrath of my nerd-rage.

But hey, we're only a small website thats been trading for over 10 years

Oh man, 10 years? :( Well, keep trying, you'll get there one day.

while this may not be true, is it really something that pisses you off so hard you feel the need to insult peoples writing ability?

Yes, because I'm posting on here saying the review is rubbish I am clearly FLIPPING THE **** OUT. Can't you feel my anger pulsing down the internet? And yes, I do need to insult the writing. It gets me hot.

Will you have sex with me? You seem special.

Is being special a requirement? Bet you're popular down the local mental hospital.

you dont have a case to back up your crap

What case? I didn't realise we were in a court of law. Or is this discussion going to be published in a peer-reviewed journal?

icaruschips - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

You should see me when I get the mental patients drunk.

Yes, because I'm posting on here saying the review is rubbish I am clearly FLIPPING THE **** OUT. Can't you feel my anger pulsing down the internet?

If it doesn't bother you, why feel the need to take the piss? If anything, you could offer her constructive feedback other than telling her it's ****, it's basically a Gothic sequel and saying she's wrong? But hey, way to ignore everything else I said. You seem to be one of those special cases* that only pick and choose what to respond to - if you can think of something to say back, that is. *Sex? Now, about your skills as a reviewer. Are you going to show us how brilliant you are? You ignored that part of my last post, so I'll ask you again - if you're so knowledgable about reviewing, show us how it's done.

TGK - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

I like this review 'cos AngelFromAbove wrote it :)

ExcessNeo - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Oh man, 10 years? :( Well, keep trying, you'll get there one day.

Gameon itself has been running for 10 years, our reviews have only been running since October 2008.

FatTonyBBX - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Neg rep for those I deem douchey. AND YES THAT'S ME BEING A HYPOCRITE.

badgers-1428101127 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

If it doesn't bother you, why feel the need to take the piss? If anything, you could offer her constructive feedback other than telling her it's ****, it's basically a Gothic sequel and saying she's wrong?

I like the game and this review does it a disservice. HOWEVER...that does not automatically equal MAJOR ANGER. Although it seems you cannot have this kind of friendly discussion on the internet now without someone claiming there is literally steam coming out of your ears due to the massive rage I am no doubt in at this very moment. Constructive criticism? Okay. Do a little research on the game and its developer. Don't say things without checking their accuracy. Make sure you can back up your arguments. Ain't rocket science. To be fair though, the Xbox version is ******. It's better on PC. She just didn't express it very well in the review.

Now, about your skills as a reviewer. Are you going to show us how brilliant you are? You ignored that part of my last post, so I'll ask you again - if you're so knowledgable about reviewing, show us how it's done.

Ooh are we playing the 'you can't comment until you've done it' game? I love that one! Shall I go first, or do you already know why that argument is the kind of utterly retarded thing only a cretinous moron would say?

Neg rep for those I deem douchey. AND YES THAT'S ME BEING A HYPOCRITE.

Cuts me deep, man. :(

icaruschips - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

To be fair though, the Xbox version is ******. It's better on PC. She just didn't express it very well in the review.

Funny enough, it's the Xbox version that's being reviewed, not the PC version.

Ooh are we playing the 'you can't comment until you've done it' game? I love that one! Shall I go first, or do you already know why that argument is the kind of utterly retarded thing only a cretinous moron would say? Cuts me deep, man. :(

Oh I'm terribly sorry. I figured with all the insults you wre hurling towards the review and the reviewer we were going for a one up type of thing. I would like you to quote where I said "don't comment until you've showed us a review" as it would help your pitiful post a little. I said since you seem to be so knowledgable, maybe you could show us how it's done instead of being a dick. I dont' believe I told not to post unless you show us a review. Anyway, it's been fun, man. But I have to go to uni for my whole one class of the day. You have fun complaining about a review saying a crap version of a game is crap when you say: - "the Xbox version is ******." Kinda makes everything you said pointless, really. :)

badgers-1428101127 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Funny enough, it's the Xbox version that's being reviewed, not the PC version.

REALLY? (that was sarcasm)

I said since you seem to be so knowledgable, maybe you could show us how it's done instead of being a dick. I dont' believe I told not to post unless you show us a review.

Oh well then I apologise. I guess there was another reason you asked me to post a review I'd written. Because that's sort of heavily implying that one should not comment unless one has first done it oneself. Which as I'm sure you are aware is just stupid! Ahahaha! If you did not intend this then I suggest you word things more carefully in future, hmm?

You have fun complaining about a review saying a crap version of a game is crap when you say: - "the Xbox version is ******." Kinda makes everything you said pointless, really. :)

Aww...nice effort man. Shame it's got nothing to do with the fact that the review was wrong in saying that the game ripped off Oblivion and Fable, which is kind of the main thrust of this delightful exchange. That's nothing to do with the format, it doesn't change between the versions.

Wedgeh - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

you know as entertaining as this is. I believe it's now desending into the realms of trolling. It's time to call upon...

djd4ws0n - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

TBH tho wedge, this thread at least needs an RPG related banhammer, maybe one that rips off a few games is nice :D

elbrian-1428101129 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Please explain how you think it's acceptable to review a game when you haven't even completed 10% of it. The review is filled with a mixture of bizarre misinformation and incompetence, and you've done your reputation no favours with it.

Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

******* lol!!! I love the white knight comment, really made me giggle! I dont know what to say other than, youve said yourself the xbox version is **** and the pc version is not. That may be correct but as i played the xbox version i do not know. What i do know is the xbox version is ****. This is my review with my opinions. If you feel that strongly maybe you should go write a review of your own. maybe some fan fiction decribing in great detail you rimming the development team whilst your at it would go down nicely eh? I couldnt give a **** what the gothic series was like, it could have been made out of 24c gold and encrusted with diamonds or equally it could have been a festering turd of a game. I was reviewing Risen, not Gothic. Anyways, you carry on arguing your pathetic little points and throwing your silly childish insults. Final point, you may be trying to make me look stupid but whos actually succeeding here because its sure as hell not me :D

Pringah-1428100604 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

this guys a dick, the review of the game was fair and in her opinion, and mine in fact, was ****e. i was bored just watching it. as already said, if it offends your eyes so badly then feel free to write your own, post it up to keep this debate going.

FatTonyBBX - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Part of me died reading all of his posts. But he's gone, let us not speak ill of the damned.

daddy32-1428101129 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

"simelaritys" between Angelfromabove and illiterate f..k not knowing RPG history are quite obvious.

devilfrombelow-1428101129 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

i have also read the review and played the game everything that angel has said is competly on the mark. As she said final fantasy x looked better and it was a ps2 game and most of the game machanics are nearly an exact copy of oblivion. The graphics are bitty and grainy at best and way too dark :u06 the storyline is there but that is the only good thing about the game. The combat system IS button mashing all u do is- block-he hits me- hit him three times-and repeat over and over again so stop giving her so much stick for a brillient bang on review. And for all the pc gamers that have and prob will go screwy over this review IT IS NOT FOR THE PC VERTION ONLY XBOX

Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

i have also read the review and played the game everything that angel has said is competly on the mark. As she said final fantasy x looked better and it was a ps2 game and most of the game machanics are nearly an exact copy of oblivion. The graphics are bitty and grainy at best and way too dark :u06 the storyline is there but that is the only good thing about the game. The combat system IS button mashing all u do is- block-he hits me- hit him three times-and repeat over and over again so stop giving her so much stick for a brillient bang on review. And for all the pc gamers that have and prob will go screwy over this review IT IS NOT FOR THE PC VERTION ONLY XBOX

Holy crap, when i saw your username honestly i thought you were gonna be giving me a complete bashing tbh, but thankyou very much for your kind words :D Much appriciated.

Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

/faceplant fail.....just realised devilfrombelow is my brother LOL!

devilfrombelow-1428101129 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

yep i got fed up with ppl ripping ur fantastic review to shreads so i thought id step in with a few facts of me own:u18

FoxyStoat - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

That is a kick ass brother you have there Angel :D Rep for you dude, well played for sticking up for your sister :)

devilfrombelow-1428101129 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

well she is famaly so ill stick up for her all the time;u11

orchid43-1428101130 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Reviewer is ignorant. Its always a good idea to do some research before calling a dev a copycat. Remember all the Oblivion hype about npc's with daily routines, all dialogue voiced, dynamic combat etc. That was all done back in 2001. That game was Gothic and guess who made it? Pirahna Bytes.:u08

Metal Ed-1428100717
Metal Ed-1428100717 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

thanks for being more constructive with your criticism. The main problem i think most people had round here was the bad attitude the other commenters had. There's no reason to be abusive to someone for their opinion. On the ignorance comment i feel i should point out that a review is an opinion based on the reviewers frame of reference. Yes a reviewer should do some research, but we can't really be expected to go back through the annals of time to find out the origins of every aspect of that which is being reviewed. And to be honest, if Angel FEELS that the game took a lot of inspiration from Oblivion, that's her opinion. Lets face it, oblivion is a well known game, it gives an easy reference point to work from. I've never heard of Gothic, but then i'm not an rpg player, maybe it's really well known i don't know. Point is, those that know Gothic will know that the things Angel refers to as coming from Oblivion actually came from Gothic. For the rest of people not familiar with Gothic, they are more likely to know about Oblivion and therefore can make some comparisons. So ok, we get that the aspects of the game Angel refers to coming from Oblivion were developed in earlier games. Lets let it drop now, it's not a huge deal, and as I said above, Angel was stating an opinion based on her frame of reference. It's done with.

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Why is there so much arguing (across the web) about this game. It's a pile of ****, what's the point?

devilfrombelow-1428101129 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Reviewer is ignorant.

the reviewer is not ignorent i should no i lived with her for years and everythin she has said is competly true i went out a boght a copy of this game myself and i wish i hadent so i am talking with my own experince (lost the resept:u20:u20:u20)

Wedgeh - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Reviewer is ignorant. Its always a good idea to do some research before calling a dev a copycat. Remember all the Oblivion hype about npc's with daily routines, all dialogue voiced, dynamic combat etc. That was all done back in 2001. That game was Gothic and guess who made it? Pirahna Bytes.:u08

Guess what, No one actually cares. The fact that Risen on the XBOX 360 is completely diabolical, is a view which the vast majority of the press concur with. You coming onto an internet forum, and attacking the reviewer is not the best way of expressing your views, infact you miss the point more than Michael Bay did with Pearl Harbour. Construct your criticism properly and people will listen instead of ignoring you like the other internet trolls. Even then it wont make a slightest bit of difference to how bad the XBOX 360 version of your favourite game is.

ExcessNeo - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Why is there so much arguing (across the web) about this game. It's a pile of ****, what's the point?

This. If people don't stop coming in here complaining about a review of a terrible game I will lock it.

FatTonyBBX - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Reviewer is ignorant.

Sentence is fragment. ...sorry that was immature of me.

icaruschips - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Sentence is fragment. ...sorry that was immature of me.

Made me lol slightly though. I tip my metaphorical hat to you, Sir.

orchid43-1428101130 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

With out a "the" you were able to understand the meaning of the statement so who cares? I'm not writing a professional article critiquing the reviewer so my grammar shouldnt matter. Nor should an apostrophe between the n and the t matter in the word shouldnt since it changes nothing. Youre attacking my grammar because you cant combat the statements I made. ignorant : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified THE reviewer is indeed ignorant and needs to be educated on game history

FatTonyBBX - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

lol chill out, I was very clearly joking - if that's your idea of an attack I bet you s**t yourself when someone calls you names :p I don't need to ""combat the statements" you made because this whole thread has already done that. But you know what? I'm gonna "combat the statements" (I like that phrase) by highlighting one key point in a sentence (you don't need to be good at grammar to know how to read, my good chum).

It [B][U][SIZE="4"]feels like[/SIZE][/U][/B] Risen has stolen parts of other successful RPG games

FEELS LIKE. As in, "while playing this game it FELT LIKE I was playing other RPGs". It is almost saddening that people could possibly interpret that as "it is a shameless clone of other games". You should never ASSUME you know. It makes you look like a w**ker. /EDIT Oh and that last sentence [I]was[/I] a bit of an attack.

Beanz - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

THE reviewer is indeed ignorant and needs to be educated on game history

History, smistory - the game blows on 360 regardless of whether it's original or not.

djd4ws0n - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

So what wait wait wait, I've just noticed something in the flamebait on this thread. They've come here, complaining that the reviewer is wrong, in that it doesn't copy from Fable at all, instead, it's actually copying from Gothic, a game the developers made what, 9 years ago? 9 years and all they have to show is a repeat of Gothic 2? Not exactly what I'd call progress, to be fair. Anyhow, isn't Gothic a copy of Pacman? I mean, you chase baddies, collect powerups, run away from those you can't kill and develop your character over the levels, by increasing his speed. What I'm trying to say in this sentence, is that opinions are relative to the experience of the person writing it.

djd4ws0n - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

-see above-

Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

All i have to say on this to be perfectly honest is you sir, are a moron who needs to read what i actually wrote and not lace my work with your opinions to make them seem like im talking about something else. Now if its really affected you that badly, guess what...you see that little red x in the top part of your screen...click it.... Now kindly jog on :D

Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

oh and Ben, i love you very very much and appriciatwe you sticking up for me but im ok :D Sarys a big girl lol! Thankyou though, love you xxx

FatTonyBBX - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Anyhow, isn't Gothic a copy of Pacman? I mean, you chase baddies, collect powerups, run away from those you can't kill and develop your character over the levels, by increasing his speed. What I'm trying to say in this sentence, is that opinions are relative to the experience of the person writing it.

Denied :D

orchid43-1428101130 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

FEELS LIKE. As in, "while playing this game it FELT LIKE I was playing other RPGs". It is almost saddening that people could possibly interpret that as "it is a shameless clone of other games".

Its obvious the reviewer was oblivious to the existence of the Gothic series. Even if she was aware of Piranha Bytes history whats the point of the comment? You could say that about almost any game of any genre. Very few games are unique these days. I think game journalists should know more about the history of video games than a simple enthusiast like me.

9 years and all they have to show is a repeat of Gothic 2? Not exactly what I'd call progress, to be fair.

Obviously the devs didnt have a big budget to work with.

FatTonyBBX - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

What, you mean when she said "having not played the original Gothic series i cannot really comment on that"? You're a quick one :) And the point of the comment is rather clear... it feels like a watered down version of Oblivion, etc.

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

I miss Baldur's Gate :(

devilfrombelow-1428101129 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

oh and Ben, i love you very very much and appriciatwe you sticking up for me but im ok :D Sarys a big girl lol! Thankyou though, love you xxx

i no ino but it still makes me mad tho lol:u06:u06:u06

Beanz - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

I miss Baldur's Gate :(

Only 3 weeks to Dragon Age ;):D

Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

i no ino but it still makes me mad tho lol:u06:u06:u06

tell your mum t read her god damn emails btw!!!

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Only 3 weeks to Dragon Age ;):D

I know and I've been told by various trusted sources that it's a bit poop.

icaruschips - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

I don't trust your sources. :(

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

I don't trust your sources. :(

I don't want to, but they've actually played large chunks of it :( I'm praying I like it, but multi-format development gives off a bad smell.

FatTonyBBX - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Wha? A new Baldurs Gate game? Do want! Baldurs Gate is epic! /EDIT No, you're talking about a different game altogether. Thanks for getting my hopes up *cries*

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Wha? A new Baldurs Gate game? Do want! Baldurs Gate is epic! /EDIT No, you're talking about a different game altogether. Thanks for getting my hopes up *cries*

Dragon Age: Origins the 'Spirtual successor' of Baldur's Gate,

azrael316 - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

/necro PMSL at this thread. BEST Game On S**t storm since the one when I joined. lol. ;)

Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Lmao! I read this thread back through when im needing a few lol's! I shouldnt be allowed to review! Opinion still stands though, it is utter **** on xbox.

icaruschips - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

Glad to see I was right in not trusting Snoozers sources. Dragon Age is awesome. :D This game is also awesome with a capital [SIZE="7"]awesome[/SIZE]. [SIZE="1"]On PC.[/SIZE]

Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

You know, I am seriously tempted to try this out on PC. See how different it really is as it wasn't just me that scored this harshly on xbox but looking around there's a lot of people that agree with your opinion.

Rasher - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015

i am temped to buy it for you to just see the review :)

Angelfromabove - 11:45pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Lmao god no, please dont make me review it haha
